
Loved Fiercely—Carly Van Laar

God loves you so fiercely that He gives you the choice to follow Him, or not. Follow Him, trust me, you won't regret it.



Vacation Bible School Memories

This week several churches in our area are hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children. VBS has been a staple of my summers since I attended my first VBS as a toddler. After aging out of being an attendee for VBS, I became a volunteer–first, at my home church, and later at the church where I attended as a college student, which happens to be the same church I attend now, over 20 years later....

When You See “Trunk or Treat” Think This Instead

Growing up, my family lived frugally, as my parents instilled in my sister and me the value of a dollar and the importance of tithing. For this reason, we were not privy to getting a candy bar each time we went to the store...

I Found the Most Alive Worship in What I Thought was The Most Unlikely of Places

It's for this reason, that I found the most alive worship in the most unlikely of places, for I had yet to stop and consider what worship would be like...

Are Christians Missing the 3rd Down Conversion?

I love college football, I love church, I love Jesus.

So, when God combines all of these in an illustration, He's definitely got my attention...

This is My Church

My church is my family. Just like my family, my church is not perfect. Why? Because my family and my church are both made up of humans, and humans are not perfect. Only Jesus is perfect, not us. Also, like... Continue Reading →

While I Held His Hand

There are numerous reasons why I love attending church. I seriously could go on and on about all the wonderful reasons why it's awesome to be a part of a local church. However, the reason I want to share with... Continue Reading →

Building a Bed for Jesus

Christmas Program Day at the preschool where I work is among my very favorite days of the entire year! To see kiddos aged 20 months - five years singing on stage is adorable, cute, and hysterical all at the same... Continue Reading →

Who’s in your Village?

Yesterday was an emotionally-charged day for me. I had to make decisions that affected a large group of people, I had to have words when I needed them immediately, I had to generate answers when needed, I sat with the... Continue Reading →

I Saw God in a Smashed Banana

This picture is hard to see, so allow me to explain it... Our church hosted Vacation Bible School this week. Each morning, we began with a Wake-Up/Worship Rally. One morning, Pastor Steven called four kids up on stage to peel... Continue Reading →

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