
Loved Fiercely—Carly Van Laar

God loves you so fiercely that He gives you the choice to follow Him, or not. Follow Him, trust me, you won't regret it.


Carly Van Laar

A Hymn and An Orchid

At the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, a hymn lyric struck me anew...

Wasps Are The Worst husband, Brandon, seeing my statue-like-state, came over and asked me if I wanted him to go first.  Yep, that was exactly what I needed.  Someone to go ahead of me, to step first into the area, to make a path for my feet to follow, a focal point to keep my eyes on, instead of the fear gripping me in place....

Cutting a Vine Afforded Me a Visual Lesson

In my backyard, there is a wisteria vine growing in a corner of our fence. It was given to me as an end-of-the-year teacher gift, and it’s SO beautiful.   Each year it puts on display gorgeous purple blooms.  They’re... Continue Reading →

My son suffered a concussion with temporary memory loss and what he remembered blessed my mom heart

Our local mountain bike team is in season, which means Oconee Heritage Park sees a flurry of kids on bikes twice a week.  I am in a family of bike riders, as my husband, Brandon, and our twins all enjoy... Continue Reading →

Filling Buckets

This post is by my friend, Beth, and is the first ever guest blogger here! Beth and I met in college at The University of Georgia. She is married, and has two children, Noah and Hope. Below is a story she shared on her Facebook page and it resonated with me in such a big way. I loved the simplicity of the message, the photos, and that it was a message taught by children......

Vacation Bible School Memories

This week several churches in our area are hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children. VBS has been a staple of my summers since I attended my first VBS as a toddler. After aging out of being an attendee for VBS, I became a volunteer–first, at my home church, and later at the church where I attended as a college student, which happens to be the same church I attend now, over 20 years later....

Preparing a Campfire Taught me About Forgiveness

Several weekends ago, when our local school system had their winter break, we went camping with another family...

My Calendar and My Faith

I am a wall calendar kind of girl. Each year, I love picking out my next wall calendar and deciding what theme it will be. This year, as I had both calendars sprawled out on the kitchen island, perched on a bar stool transferring the dates and events...

When You See “Trunk or Treat” Think This Instead

Growing up, my family lived frugally, as my parents instilled in my sister and me the value of a dollar and the importance of tithing. For this reason, we were not privy to getting a candy bar each time we went to the store...

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